The Wizard Agrimony

Artist | Layabout | Occultist


Name: Agrimony
Nickname(s): Aggy
Gender: Transmasculine
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 4'7" | 140cm

Likes: Fantasy genre media, alt fashion, tea, retro aesthetics, the occult.Dislikes: Loud noises, hot weather, psychic/magic scammers.

Credits & Specs

Animated Portrait - Hunter | Bug Island
Twitter Banner - Dracononite
All other art and design is by WizardAgrimony

Get In Touch

To discuss anything business related or other formal inquiries, please use the form below! Replies will be as prompt as possible.Commissions are: Closed.For more casual questions and comments, feel free to contact Agrimony by direct message through his @WizardAgrimony account on Twitter.

Support the Channel

Any one-off tips or monthly support I earn from these projects go directly into maintaining and bettering my art and content. While I began this as a hobby and creative outlet, I strive to provide a quality stream.However, please do not feel pressured to contribute financially if you're not in a good place to do so. When creating reward tiers, I try to add on extra benefits rather than ever denying regular viewers something that I believe should be a part of the standard experience.Please note that tips are nonrefundable, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, you are paying to support the streams, art, and other content I create rather than receive any physical products.You are always free to discontinue your patronage and, again, please never pledge beyond your means.

Throne Gifts

If you're rather send something physical, I have set up a wishlist on Throne. These are always appreciated but never expected, and include things to help me with my content alongside more personal indulgences.

Coming Soon

While I'd love to dive into streaming art on Twitch, there's still a lot going on behind the scenes. Notices will be posted on Twitter @WizardAgrimony, so keep an eye out if you want to stay in the know!In the meantime you may see me occasionally chatting in other peoples' streams, but I'm most active on Twitter.

Support the Channel

Any one-off tips or monthly support I earn from these projects go directly into maintaining and bettering my art and content. While I began this as a hobby and creative outlet, I strive to treat it with the commitment and dedication of a second job.However, please do not feel pressured to contribute financially if you're not in a good place to do so. When creating reward tiers, I try to add on extra benefits rather than ever denying regular viewers something that I believe should be a part of the standard experience.Please note that tips are nonrefundable, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, you are paying to support the streams, art, and other content I create rather than receive any physical products.You are always free to discontinue your patronage and, again, please never pledge beyond your means.



Now that both Ko-Fi and Patreon offer monthly tiers, I'm going to try and offer both to those who want to support my work so people can use the platform of their choice.One time tips can also be made through Ko-fi.My tiers are still in the early phases of being formalized, so I welcome any suggestions! Feel free to let me know what you want to see offered through Patreon, Ko-Fi, and the contributor Discord channels.

Throne Gifts

If you're rather send something physical, I have set up a wishlist on Throne. Anything listed is always appreciated but never expected, and can include things to help me with my content alongside more personal indulgences.


The Wizard Agrimony makes his home at the top of a tower in the princedom of Rosenwand: a sprawling and fantastical realm filled with mythological creatures, strange flora, and a dreamlike sense of reality. He is the court magician (and court jester, if he's not careful) of the Prince, its ruler.Though his magical talents lie in illusions, divination, and wortcunning, Agrimony is also equipped with an unyielding curiosity befitting any cat. When he discovered that the Prince could travel between their world and another, he began to obsessively research how to make contact with those beyond the veil of his reality.Once his research granted him a peek beyond the firmament and a means of contacting those that dwelt in a world apart from his own, he did what any reasonable scholar would do: procrastinated on his arcane research so he could hang out on Twitch and doodle.With the help of an enchanted grimoire and some state of the art crystal balls to broadcast live from Rosenwand, Agrimony welcomes to those who come across his stream to come and relax for a time. Chat, lurk, draw, or enjoy a cup of tea. You're always welcome in his sitting room, even if you're an entire world away.Now he just needs to finish perfecting his portal spell.Accompanying Agrimony is his mandrakitten, Catdrake, who is (as the name might imply) a cat-shaped mandrake root that Agrimony grew while studying occult herbalism. Often referred to as a crybaby carrot by his creator, the sentient tuber helps Agrimony with day to day tasks like potion making, poppet creation, and chat moderation.